Sevenfriday Stories



The new SEVENFRIDAY Jumper connects to the idea that there’s something special about the transfer of power, of the sharing of power and energy that brings us together.

It could be the metaphorical spark between two people meeting for the first time, or a literal extending of electricity to a previously disconnected outpost.

The JUMPER emulates the 20th century design classic that is the jumper cable. Stainless steel alligator with the negative and positive charges forming the SEVENFRIDAY logo. It’s symbolic of our way of staying connected, of being energized, and kind of coming to the rescue.

Like when you’ve got a flat car battery in the rain and a helpful stranger drives up and announces “I’ve got jumper cables”.

This is the SEVENFRIDAY way of saying, “Don’t worry man, we got this. You’re gonna be all good !”